Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

Consequences presented by the Islamic states in northern Mozambique

Mozambique has always been a region of high-level religious tolerance and a lack of religious conflicts. The country has about 53% Christians, 19% Muslims and about 30% following traditional religions. Over the years, the government of Mozambican has intentionally ignored the signals of a new, religious threat coming from the radicalized Islamic group living in Cabo Delgado province. With the security deterioration in northern Mozambique, jihadi militants have seized key ports and increasingly enhanced the insecurity situation in the region. The jihadists have consistently attacked residents of Cabo Delgado posing a significant security threat. Due to the insurgents, most people keep on fleeing their cities and town on this basis.

Consequences of Islamic states on migration

Insurgency caused by the Muslim militants has razed down several villages and forced residents to migrate to Mayotte and other nearby secure cities and towns. Those who have been unable to flee have been threatened or are immediately beheaded. According to International Organization of Migration in Mozambique, over 1000 people died from the conflict while over 25000 have fled away for safety. According to the Mozambique authorities, most government authorities have been overwhelmed by the attacks operated by the militants.

Following the easing of the long period of migratory restrictions imposed due to war, internal migration has intensified within Mozambique with a significant resurgence in the number of population. The presence of the Islamic states has posed a significant impact on the safety and welfare of the Mozambique government. Firstly, their presence has resulted in political instability. Bringing Renamo into the picture, the political instability of the Mozambique government has been politically instigated by Renamo; a historical political enemy to the government. Moreover, the Islamic government has significantly influenced the level of inflows and outflows of people from both Cabo Delgado and Mozambique in what is considered as seizing the region of its strategic position in peace delivery and addressing human rights. Mozambique has 53 border posts. These are very significant transport corridors that link landlocked countries such as Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Malawi. Thus, in Malawi, mobility is a very integral aspect of the life of every Mozambique resident. With the rapid growth in the economy, it is beginning to experience a rapid increase in migration with a huge influx of people into the country. Moreover, with the growth in internal labor within Mozambique, migration has significantly risen with the economy opening up to extractives and energy companies. Thus, there is indeed a huge preference for the country based on the various niceties that are coming into Mozambique.

Major targets for migrants

Most Mozambique migrants often run away from their countries based on lack of job opportunities, hardship conditions in their countries, and significant challenges they face coupled with insecurity. Thus, most of these migrants often move to nearby countries such as Tanzania, Rwanda, South Africa, and Mayotte. Most migrants prefer South Africa due to the availability of jobs. However, there are huge restrictions geared towards controlling those who are getting into the country.

The movement to the European Union is often a very common wish for every citizen of Mozambique. The belief about adequate job opportunities often is the motivation factor that drives this wish across several populations. Moreover, owing to the nature of challenges faced back home; most immigrants believe all their problems will be solved by moving to either Mayotte or La Reunion.

Describe the migration routes from Mozambique/ Tanzania towards Mayotte and La Reunion

Mayotte lies 60 kilometers away from the mainland. The Island enjoys higher standards of living and public services than the other islands of the archipelago. This makes it a good destination for thousands of migrants from Mozambique and Tanzania. Emigrating from either of the countries to either Mayotte or Re-union is not an easy ordeal. Emigrants often face significant challenges, whereby even some fail to reach their destination. Poor navigation channels, insecurity, and food safety play a major role in the challenges facing these emigrants. Migrants from Mozambique go through the Indian Ocean to get to Mayotte using small fishing boats called kwassa kwassa. These are the normal form of transport between Mozambique and Mayotte. However, most migrants often take roundabout routes, nearly always traveling at night to dodge the police patrol boats.

How much do they spend on such a migration?

Migration cost varies depending on how long the journey will take the destination; how difficult is it to cross the sea, the mode of transports in this case most people use the kwasa kwasa boats. According to Bouhoutane, a resident of Comoros, traversing to Mayotte through Kwasssa Kwassa is charged at least US$84. Besides, the movement across the ocean covering over 70 kilometre is often a challenging experience where migrants keep on losing a life. According to the local statistics, about 200-500 people loose lives yearly along the migration corridors.

What nationalities do the migrants in Mayotte or La reunion have at all

Mayotte is a country rich in cultural diversity. Over 50% of the inhabitants of the region were born in Mayotte while the other 50%; representing about 128,000 people were born overseas. . However, about 36% were born in other countries; including the Union of Comoros, and Madagascar. Other countries that have also infiltrated into the region include Rwandese, Burundians, Tanzanians, and people from the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Please provide the actual statistics for this migration from Mozambique and Tanzania (Amount of asylum seekers, how many are traveling on the routes, and how many are sent back) please provide information on where to find the statistics.

From a finding done by Reuters in an article from 2011, there were more than 12000 people who applied as asylums in Mayotte. Out of these numbers, about 90% of the applicants were from Comoros. Most applicants are reported to be from DRC, Madagascar, Rwanda, and Burundi. In 2019, 20,000 applicants failed to acquire asylum in Mayotte and were returned to Madagascar and Comoros.

How are the human smuggler structures developed?

Human smuggling and trafficking have been a common practice going on in Mozambique and its neighbors. Human smuggling across borders is illegal and international law requires that governments treat human smugglers as criminals but not the victims. The smuggled immigrants are often put in harm's way by smugglers while trying to move across the borders. Such situations include the hazardous crossing of the sea thus becoming other crimes in the process. Migrants who move from Mozambique/Tanzania to Mayotte and La reunion risk it all in the name of the search for a better life often fall prey to human smuggling. The migrants may find themselves tortured by the people they pay to assist them to cross borders. Migration cost varies depending on how long the journey will take, the destination, how difficult is it to cross the sea, the mode of transport in this case most people use the kwassa kwassa boats. Sometimes it depends on how one relates to the smugglers whether they agree to work for them or not. Smuggling migrants involves recruiters, transporters, hoteliers, facilitators, enforcers, organizers, and financiers. Some smugglers were once themselves smuggled migrants, who now operate either in destination countries or transit states. In many smuggling operations, payment is made in installments as the immigrants are moved from one smuggler to another. Smuggling from Mozambique/Tanzania to Mayotte is always arranged and facilitated by fishermen (local smugglers) on the shores of the Indian Ocean. The fishermen board their client’s small boats called Kwassa Kwassa. The smuggling routes are very dangerous with several fatalities being reported over the years. In May 2019 French officials burst illegal smugglers from DRC Congo to France. Several migrants reported to be from DRC Congo are flown from DCR to Tanzania or Kenya and then to Madagascar before they are sailed by boat into Mayotte where they obtain illegal documents and travel to Paris the capital of France. Though women and girls are most targeted in this smuggling scheme, boys are trafficked for purposes of sexual exploitation and forced labor as well as organ harvesting. The principal driving force of trafficking in Madagascar is poverty.

How high or low do the migrants assess the danger of migration?

Migration to Mayotte is often a very dangerous excursion to undertake. Traversing over 70 kilometres amidst the high tides of the ocean often poses serious challenges to the Kwassa Kwassa. Since 1995, it is estimated that about 10000 Comorians have lost their lives in an attempt to cross over to Mayotte. However, according to the local observers, this number is likely to be higher than suggested. During migration, the migrants get into dangerous situations many drown before reaching their destinations. Other reports have also indicated that roughly 200-500 people die annually due to challenges experienced during migration.

How does Mayotte Prepare itself for the rise in migration?

The Island of Mayotte has experienced an increase in population and transformation due to the increased rate of immigration. The population in Mayotte has grown fivefold from an estimated 23,00 in 1998 to 256,500 in 2017. The Island measures an area of 374 sq km and is therefore densely populated. Due to the increase in population, the French department has been facing several economic, environmental, and health problems.

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Examining the impact of Islamic insurgency in northern Mozambique on regional security and migration.

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