Goal 8: Decent Work And Economic Growth

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

The National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NG-CDF) formerly Constituencies Development Fund (CDF), is a fund established in 2003 through an Act of Parliament. The Act was later reviewed by the CDF (Amendment) Act 2007, and repealed by CDF Act, 2013 which was subsequently succeeded by the current NG-CDF (Amendment) Act 2016 and finally, the act was amended in 2021. The Fund is domiciled within the Ministry in charge of National Economic Policy and Planning, currently the Treasury.

The main purpose of the Fund is to enhance infrastructural and socio- economic development at the grass root level in order to reduce poverty by devolving revenue towards community projects identified at constituency level by the communities.

The Strategic Plan aims at providing Rongai Constituency with a roadmap towards the delivery of quality service to the electorate for the next five years.

The plan will be the principal blue print to guide all development platforms in the Constituency. It will link and operate in line with other County and National Development Plans such as vision 2030, BETA (The Plan), Kenya Country Third Medium-Term Plan (2022-2027), the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) and any other relevant documents from the county and national governments.

This document was prepared through a participatory approach that ensured consultations and involvement of a broad spectrum of internal and external stakeholders at all stages.

The plan sets out the vision, mission, core values and strategic objectives, targets and strategies for the constituency. 

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The Strategic Plan aims at providing Rongai Constituency with a roadmap towards the delivery of quality service to the electorate for the next five years.

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